I am born as an observer.
When I walk around all of the streets, I should read the billboards, the names of the streets, alleys and of course the shops. I love this natural gift I got! And not only I watch them, but also I SEE them!
I don’t stare at my smart phone while I am walking. I don’t want to make any accident and I should take care of my natural blessing;
“Eyes Wide Open”!
One day
I can’t remember when it was, but I know that I was in the Netherlands, and saw a sign
Coffee To Go!
I could understand the message!
When you are going to work
You can buy your coffee
And on your way
You can drink it!
It actually means; “Take Away”, I guess!
Be careful!!!
That is NOT
To Go
That you have learned in school!
There is a week to go until the elections.
I still had another five operations to go.
I have to go to school. I got to go to school.
I was thinking!
I have no clues!
“To Go” coming from:
USA! Because of the big coffee shops, or from Europe?
For sure not from Germany
Because in German you should say: “Kaffee zum Mitnehmen”!
Neither from France.
In French: “café à importer”!
Nor from the Netherlands.
In Dutch: “koffie om mee te nemen” or “koffie meenemen”!
But from
Australia or maybe England!
Should I say Great Britain?
It is possible, that it is from Vietnam because they have very delicious coffee!
It doesn’t matter!
“Coffee To Go” is so popular that even in a village in Germany, like Oberrodenbach, with a population of 2000 has a butchery that sells coffee. And last week I was in Herborn and saw a Turkish Bar-Restaurant that offers “Cocktail To Go”. The name of the cocktail was “Safer Sex”!
Please don’t ask me about that, because I didn’t buy any “To Go”!
“To Go” is going further:
Ice Cream To Go
Sandwich To Go
Water To Go
Book To Go
Pizza To Go
Shoes “To Go”?
I got it!
It means; you are going to your work, could be, barefoot and you buy a pair of shoes. It doesn’t mean you “go or walk with shoes”!
Very clear and understandable!
And also
Then I could understand;
Shirt To Go
Pants …
Socks …
Watch …
This and Thant To Go
It is also my natural gift to ask “why”’ when I see something is not based on our intellectual needs.
Are there so many “To Go”s?
The possible answers are;
The First:
The law of “Consumerism”!
Easy way to understand it; “an increasing consumption of goods is economically desirable”!
And I do understand it in this way; “ The new way of making money! The best trick to manipulate the brain of consumers”!
Not very complicated to get the idea!
The Second:
The Law of Easy Life!
May I say, Lazy Life?
No need to wake up early in the morning and make your own coffee at home. So called “Ready To Go & Drink”!
The Third:
The Digital Life!
On one hand, you “Coffee To Go” while you use the other hand to use your smart(!!!) phone. You don’t need any eye contact, shaking hands, help the others… Etc.! In this case the “social behavior” is away! Deleted! Erased! Gone!
What is the definition of Social Behavior?
Is defined as the interaction among the individuals. Very clearly, it means, “Not Social Network On Your Gadgets!
And you have no idea what I do! Am I right?
That is what I do;
As long as the weather is warm, I woke up an hour early before I go to work, make a walk to the next coffee shop and drink my coffee there.
In Italy, I drink by Mario. In Brazil by Pedro. In the Netherlands by Bram. In Germany by Wolfgang. In France by Louis. In Surinam by Kenneth… and in Vietnam by Jenny. And when I am there, I meet my colleagues, enjoy my coffee in a friendly and peaceful atmosphere and with a lovely smile on my face I start my day!
Oh… what do I do when it is cold?
I make my coffee at home while I listen to music and enjoy my coffee and get my daily inspiration from the music!
What a Wonderful World!
Of course, there are always some people who prefer to enjoy the Social Media than rather the Social Contact! The world is big for everyone!
I don’t mind it at all!
We have many applications To Go
So called
Apps “To Go”
“To Go” Apps
Please! Don’t make any mistake here. This “To Go” has nothing to do with “Take Away”! This is just to install it on your smartphones and tablets and eventual, in your computer!
We know it already and it is nothing new!
For your curiosity, I would say;
Yes, I have one and I am very happy with that;
Lovely apps to be connected with the other side of the world!
Car “To Go” became very popular these days. The rental car! And in this way, there are
Motorbike To Go
Camel To Go
Not Yet!
There is not and airplane or helicopter “To Go” available, yet! It will come one day! Don’t worry about that!
When I want to buy something I would like to take time to feel the objects. I love to observe them in all different angles and imagine them how and where I am going to use them. I can’t use “To Go” products like
To Go!
I have seen “Mattress To Go” in Frankfurt – Germany, and I have tried to figure it out, what it should be! And theses are the possibilities;
- In the morning when you are going to work, you order the mattress and later when you are coming back from work, you can take it away!
- You can call a big car – a delivery one – and it takes you and the mattress together and brings both to your office. To your office? I suppose you are not sleeping there!
- You don’t have any job and immediately take the mattress away. But why To Go?
It is possible, you could have more opportunity to imagine that “Mattress To Go”!
2 Go Shops
Shops or Goods 4 To Go
Foods & Vitamins for 2 Go
It sounds strange but, Please
Look Here >>>
Diamond “To Go”???
Does it mean, in the morning you are going to work and you buy a Diamond Ring???
You should be very RICH!
Let me think!
I got the idea after some minutes thinking!
You are going to work, or may be you have a date with your lover! Could be, you are coming back from work and want to buy a piece of Diamond. But I am sure many people can’t do that! That is only for rich guys!
I mean
You can’t buy Diamond everyday!
In Washington, D.C. There are many “To Go” Shops! And this time, it doesn’t mean you buy a “shop”. But you can buy “To Go”s products from those shops.
I can’t stand these two words anymore! I get dizzy and overload with “To Go”s!
Home To Go
Sad enough! I didn’t say I am going home! Just saw the billboard on my way;
Real Estate 2 Go
Home To Go
Swimming Pool
Mosque To Go!
I am sure you don’t believe me. I have seen many of them as TV commercials, posters and advertising board. To convince you, Go and search in Internet!
But on my way to home, I saw this:
“Ladies To Go”!
That is really
I better got to go! and “See To Go”s…
Manouchehr Abrontan