I don’t know about your countries, but in Germany normally, when I ask my friends, colleagues, neighbors; “How are you?”
They tell me;
“Oh my back is hurting”, “my heart is not okay”, “I have pain in my legs”, “my stomach is not feeling well”, “I am not sure I have Alzheimer or Dementia”…
Of course they are the elder people who complain about their health problems and I am sure they are healthy enough! They watch too much TV commercials about the medications and read much more about the illness. They are addicted to “buy” Pharmaceutical Products!
But the younger fellows answer me; “oh… everything is fine”! They are not interested in politics! So, everything should be FINE!
One day
When I asked them;
How is everything going?
I got a new answer! All of them answered me;
We are doing great!
We are the Champions!
Obviously, during the 2018 FIFA World Cup, the TV commercials were focused on cars, men’s perfumes, beer, men’s wear… and therefore nobody got the feeling of any kind of illnesses. The simple commercials manipulation!
“Champions”? I asked them!
Sure! Champions!
Have you ever heard about
FIFA World Cup?
They asked me and I told them; “sure I know, but I don’t watch any soccer/football match”. And their reactions were like; “I am not a Normal guy” and they continued to analyses how the team should play and would be on top by FIFA WC 2018. And they explained that the German National Soccer Manager, “Having a Master Plan(!)” to win again in 2018!
Even they knew I was not interested to hear anything about football/soccer, but they did not listen to me and went further to talk about the matches.
But I did not mind
because after four years, I could hear something else than usual daily illnesses conversation
Germany crash out of World Cup.
How is THAT possible!?
The former champion
And got back home! Unfortunately, I could not talk to German fellows about soccer/football anymore, because that was a
It was a short time that people were happy because their national players would keep their stars, but the master plan didn’t work and the fellows turned to their regular chats; “They feel sick! They are ill! Nothing is working well! The medication won’t help them! They should go for Wellness Cure Treatments!…
It didn’t last long!
And came the next Master Plan!
The German media made some scary reports about the Master Plan of Home Secretary about the asylum and migration policy. Everywhere you could hear and watch the title; “German Government Crisis”! The Chancellor of Germany got problems with her interior minister (the leader of Bavaria’s Christian Social Union) and
What should they do with those poor guys coming from the former colonies/poor, developing countries? In short, the content of The Master Plan was, how fast the German Government could have the opportunity to deport the asylum seekers!
This Political Master Plan
Been Compromised!
The German was not engaged with that because the 2018 FIFA WC still was running and the soccer/football fans were following the competitions. It was interesting that some German reports AMAZED by winning Belgium vs Brazil and Croatia vs Russia during the quarter – final.
Surprise… Surprise
Winning the games! It Is Unbelievable!”
I should laugh!
It means; ONLY the Big Countries should win and those small countries won’t have the rights to defeat big guys? If that is the theory of developed reporters from developing countries, I think SHOULD believe that the only winners should be the largest countries in the world like; Russia, Canada, United States, China, India…
By the way, many football/soccer players of developed countries are from small countries! Even I am not an expert and have no idea about games, but I could recognize the players!
Unfortunately, still the fellows around me feel sad because Germany lost and the small country took the second place!
I was the real winner of 2018 FIFA WC even for a short time!
I wanted to share my feeling, but something happened
One of the famous football/soccer player of Germany
Been discriminated by his background!
That is too much!
The famous player said: “I am retiring from international football with immediate effect following the “treatment I have received from the DFB.”I am German when we win but I am an immigrant when we lose”.
It seems the Master Plans didn’t work in Germany and for football/soccer fans
It worked for me that I could see the healthy side of my friends, colleagues, neighbors
during the first days
Of The Games!
Manouchehr Abrontan