Siddhartha Shakya From Nepal
This is Yala(Patan). Where is Rodenbach?
Siddhartha Shakya From Nepal
This is Yala(Patan). Where is Rodenbach?
Jochen Zieres
From Washington D.C.
Wo ist Rodenbach!
Am vergangenen Wochenende fand im Rahmen der Interkulturellen Wochen des Main-Kinzig-Kreises ein einzigartiges Treffen der Nationen statt. Menschen aus der der Ukraine, Somalia, Eritrea, der Türkei, Syrien, Afghanistan und Deutschland kamen zusammen, um ihre Geschichten zu teilen und sich über Herausforderungen, denen sie in Deutschland begegnen, auszutauschen.
Das Erzählcafé, zu dem die Rodenbacher Integrationskommission eingeladen hat, war nicht nur ein Ort des Austauschs, sondern auch eine kulinarische Begegnungsstätte, denn es gab ein wunderbares internationales Buffet, das den Besuchern die Möglichkeit bot, die Vielfalt der Kulturen auch zu schmecken.
Im Mittelpunkt des Abends standen jedoch die Geschichten der Anwesenden. Bürgermeister Klaus Schejna machte den Anfang und berichtete von seinem Migrationshintergrund und Werdegang in Rodenbach. Als er 2002 zum Bürgermeister gewählt wurde bekam er zu hören: „Jetzt sind die Flüchtlinge in Rodenbach angekommen“. Rose Puls, die Vorsitzende der Integrationskommission berichtete, wie die Chemie sie, beruflich und privat, nach Rodenbach gebracht hat. Die Moderation des Abends übernahm Manouchehr Abrontan, der einst aus dem Iran fliehen musste und über die Niederlande nach Deutschland gekommen ist.
Neben den Fluchtgründen wurden auch die aktuellen Herausforderungen geschildert, denen Ausländer in Deutschland gegenüberstehen. Die Wohnungsnot und die Sprachbarriere waren hier die zentralen Themen. Im Zusammenhang mit der Sprachbarriere wurde berichtet, wie schwer es ist ärztliche Hilfe zu finden und ausländische berufliche Qualifikationen anerkannt zu bekommen. Auch wenn die Geflüchteten Deutschkurse absolvieren, dauert es oft lange, bis sie sich im Alltag verständigen können.
Trotz aller Herausforderungen war die Stimmung des Abends sehr positiv und es wurde auf die wöchentlichen Treffen im Begegnungscafé hingewiesen. Neben der Unterstützung bei wichtigen Themen des Alltags, bietet das Begegnungscafé einen Raum, um sich in entspannter Atmosphäre kennen zu lernen, sich auszutauschen und neue Freundschaften zu knüpfen. Dank unserer anwesenden Dolmetscher können Sprachbarrieren überwunden werden.
Das Begegnungscafé findet jeden Donnerstag von 15 bis 17 Uhr im Bürgerhaus statt. Alle sind herzlich eingeladen, vorbeizukommen – sei es auf eine Tasse Tee, Kaffee, ein Gespräch, oder um einfach ein Stück Gemeinschaft zu erleben.
Rodenbach – FRÜHLINGSFEST – 2024
Reporting by: Manouchehr Abrontan
Klaus Schejna – Bürgermeister Gemeinde Rodenbach – Hessen
“In a world plagued by conflicts, warfare, and the struggle against poverty, the vibrant colors of life are being extinguished. Innocent civilians and peaceful individuals fall victim to the atrocities committed by totalitarian states and oppressive regimes. This music video clip captures the essence of these struggles, serving as a powerful reminder of the destruction caused by these forces. Through a blend of evocative visuals and compelling music, it seeks to shed light on the urgent need for freedom, justice, and the restoration of humanity’s true colors.”
A film by: Manouchehr Abrontan
Camera: Hossein Sehatlou
I came here very often. I call it
The Spiritual Class
Where I could talk to my great Teacher
I observed the trees the environment around me and having confabulation with them about humans. The only creatures with a developed brain and capable of cultural, social, and technological evolution.
The intelligent creatures always try to innovate something for a better world, but I am wondering why they love to make the rivalry. Don’t they know the competitions bring contention and disagreements and finally??
The Wars!
Of course, they know it because
The Wars bring
And Those Monies give them
Is that what humans are looking for?
Are those people not able to learn to do something having strong roots like these trees?
The oldest arts were created in the cave about 64000 years ago and they were images of animals. The purpose was not for decoration, but the parts of a magic ritual to face reality and angst. The fear of unknown natural disasters like thunders, typhoons, floods, hurricanes, and storms inspired primitive artists to communicate with them to overcome their fears.
The trees didn’t fear the catastrophes, but the activists of the Powerful Men. The artists observed the trees and the angsts.
The first distinction between continents was made by ancient Greek mariners who gave the names Europe and Asia to the lands on either side of the waterways. The Powerful Men divided the people into White and Colored Men and the idea of racism and the thoughts that White Men are smarter than Colored Men and the Religion Men helped the White Powerful Men to take over many lands and overpowered the Colored Men!
They couldn’t tolerate the Colored Men. The Colored Men escaped to the forests and jungles. They settle down and raise their families over there. It was unbearable for the Artists to observe what The Holy and Powerful Men were doing and joined the Colored Men and hide among the trees and plants.
The Holy Men colluded with the Powerful Men and all became White Powerful Men. They divided the earth into five continents and seven and more to destroy the roots of the Colored Men and the Artists. The Artists could tell the truth, about what the White Powerful Men were doing. People visited the Artworks of the Artists and could understand what The White Powerful Men did to many Folks and they also left the Lands of the White Powerful Men.
The Trees Communicate with their Roots!
Since then, the Colored Men, the Artists, and the Newcomers learned from nature that there is so much diversity of trees and plants. In the jungles and forests don’t exist any border between the trees. The trees live for hundreds and even thousands of years, but humans just for some decades. The roots of the trees are so strong and grow deeply that when they collapsed, still the tiny roots grow, and sometimes there is a new tree.
Have you ever embraced or put your ears on the trees to listen to their communication?
When I pressed my ear to their trunks, I heard how they communicate.
Like any natural phenomenon, they eat, drink, and grow up and some of them live hundreds and thousands of years. The trees take care of each other and even feed the young plants. The young ones enjoy the shadows of huge trees and learning how to grow and have their roots deep in the earth. They get larger and stand closely together.
Compare the trees with the White Powerful Men
The trees
NEVER make war
I have never seen any corrupt tree
Nor liar
There is neither any competition between them nor any superiority.
Is that because we have a brain and they don’t?
They constantly, communicate, above and underground using sound, scents, signals, and vibes. Their roots are natural networks, connected with everything that exists. They are very considerate in sharing the sunlight, and their root systems are closely connected.
When I saw some trees fall after the storm, it attracted my attention
Their Roots!
What about humans?
What about the White Powerful Men
Losing their Roots?
The human brain is believed to be more
intelligent in general more than any other
known species, but they blamed animals and
HOW they live!
We, human beings, believe that we are the only creatures who communicate developmentally. That is not true! The Powerful White Men made devices that people make conversations which is far from communication. What they do, is just give credit to the Powerful White Men.
The Pompous!
The rootless Powerful White Men still trying to divide the people into different classes, races, skin colors, religions…
In this way
The White Powerful Men
Are killing the dreams of Mankind
The Trees growing and communicating with the Newcomers and the Artists observing and creating
Manouchehr Abrontan 2020