Germany and Its Perfection!

When I was flying from the USA to Germany, in the aircraft I met Mr. H. a German gentleman about 55 years old. We started to talk about everything and after some hours he told me about himself why he moved to the USA and lived there.
He told me, he was looking for a job. He was graduated in Sociology and Science and lost his job about two years ago because the company was bankrupt and fired 311 employees and he was one of them.
After nine months, sending letters and emails for a new job, finally, he received a letter from a bank and invited him for an interview. After the meeting, he believed that he should get the job because of his experiences and studies. It took some weeks and until he got a negative answer. He tried to get some information about their decisions and what was wrong with his resume and the interview, but they refused to give him any details.
Again he was without work and hardly could cover his expenses until he got a wonderful position in a company in the United States like that one in Germany.
I showed him the website of Cabinet of Germany:
He stared at the site and I could see he became upset and angry and told me that he never made any attempt to know about the background of the German cabinet.
I told him; That is favoritism! If you got somebody in the political area, you would have got the job!
I indicated to that part:
Federal Minister of the Interior, Building, and Community
Studied: 1967 Mittlere Reife (lower school leaving certificate)
1979 Obtained degree from Munich Academy of Business and Public Sector Management
Federal Minister for Economic Affairs and Energy
Studied: 1978 Abitur (higher education entrance qualification), followed by basic military service
1980 – 1985 Studied Law at Saarland University in Saarbrücken
Federal Minister for Foreign Affairs
Studied: 1987 Allgemeine Hochschulreife (general higher education entrance qualification)
1988 Ford-Werke GmbH, Saarlouis
1989 – 1996 Degree in Law at the Saarland University, first and second state examinations
He was reading and shaking his head. He told me that he never knew the background of the German Government. And I told him
- I don’t believe that the studies of the Minister for Economic Affairs and Energy don’t support his position or the minister of…
He interrupted me and said
- Look! I don’t care about them because they don’t care about us.
- Actually, you are right, but don’t we really know who is governing this country?
- No! It doesn’t change anything!
And the rest of our flight went on in silence!
Some weeks later I should go to the airport again and I took a taxi. To my surprise, the driver was a woman. I told her
- There are not many female taxi driver in Germany!
- You are right, sir! It is a matter of choice. Sometimes you are forced to choose.
- And may I ask you, what is the reason you did that?
- It is a long story, sir. A bitter reality!
- We have a long way to the airport and I am a wise listener!
- I am a German citizen, 48 years old and lost my job about two years ago. I was a doctor in Psychoanalyst and had been working in a big company, but the company made a fusion with Pharmaceutical Center and I am unemployed. The last year I applied to many jobs as a specialist and finally, I got an invitation to the interview and I thought I was perfect and my CV perfectly fitted with all the requirements but I was wrong and they rejected me. I have tried to apply any kind of jobs which was suitable for my expertise but no success. So, I was disappointed and didn’t want to beg for any job and started to work as a taxi driver and be an independent person.
- I can imagine how it feels. Don’t you want to move to the USA?
- There is a Persian Proverb: The sky is of the same color wherever you go.
- That is true.
I told her about Mr. H. and many others who had the same problems with the political systems.
- When you look at the ministers’ backgrounds and the positions they have at this moment, it is just unimaginable how they can govern the country.
- They don’t govern. They do care about their own political positions and wonderful monthly salaries. That is the reason many of them are guilty of plagiarism. Having a doctor title, means, a lot of money.
- You are right! When I look at the German Cabinet, I should cry for the folk. I can’t believe that the Federal Minister of Education and Research has such a background
Studied: 1990 Abitur (higher education entrance qualification), followed by a banking traineeship at Deutsche Bank
1993 Trained in hotel management at the family hotel
since 1994 Manager, Hotel Teutoburger Wald
2003 – 2008 Studied business at the University of Hagen, distance education university; obtained degree in business administration
- How can they build up the future of this country with those kinds of Ministers?
- For many years I thought the politicians were very clever fellows, but in the last two years, I believe that they are very bad liars.
- That is true!
And I have read the list of some Ministers:
Federal Minister of Finance
1978 – 1985 Studied law
since 1985 Lawyer
Federal Minister of Defense
Studied: 1982 – 1990 Studied law and politics at the Universities of Trier and Saarbrücken
Federal Minister of Food and Agriculture
Studied: 1998 State examination/Magister Artium in political sciences, theology and education
Federal Minister for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth
Studied: 1998 – 2001 Diploma in Public Administration at the Berlin School of Economics and Law
2003 – 2005 M.A. in European Administrative Management at the Berlin School of Economics and Law
Federal Minister of Health
Studied: 1999 – 2001
Training as a banker, followed by employment as a banker, WestLB-Münster
Federal Minister of Transport and Digital Infrastructure
Studied: 1998 First State examination in teaching, studied political sciences, economics and sociology at the University of Passau, obtained a master’s degree in 2001
Federal Minister for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety
Studied: 1988 – 1996 Studied German literature and political sciences in Bochum, obtained a master’s degree
1993 – 1997 Freelance advertising and PR work
She laughed ironically and said:
- It speaks for itself! I am not surprised that those guys made a mess of their works. Maybe people like me should change their expertises and having some simple jobs like mine as a protest and see how the government will react!
- I know how!
- How?
- They will import some guys from other countries and showings, how they care about the development of the world!
- You could be right! By the way, where are you flying to?
- To be honest, I don’t know. I just want to find an island far from any developments and start to live in a primitive way. I am getting crazy about those political games!
- That is a great idea! But do you think you would be able to find such a place?
- I don’t know, but it’s worth to try!
- If you find any place here is my number and give me a call!
She dropped me at the airport, handed her number and wished me good luck!
Manouchehr Abrontan
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