Rodenbach – FRÜHLINGSFEST – 2024
Reporting by: Manouchehr Abrontan
Right! It goes but how!
Let me tell you a story. NO! It is not fiction. It is what happened to me in the last days.
Ten days ago I wanted to upgrade my internet speed from 150 downloads and 5 Mbps upload to 500 downloads and 25 Mbps upload – megabits per second- and I wished for a new router. I have sent an email to the provider – Unitymedia – with all my wishes and requests.
After a day I got a phone call from the provider – with a new name, Vodafone – to confirm my requests and she happily informed me that my wishes would be fulfilled in two days.
In two days the post brought the package, and on the same day, I have received an SMS that; my products are activated and I can use it immediately.
I have disconnected the old Router – Fritz! Box 6490 – and connected the new one – Fritz! Box 6591 – and configured it by the Fritz!Box web browser. Everything went well EXCEPT for the speed of my internet. It was between 20 and 40 Mbps download and 25 Mbps upload. I thought it would be fine. I just should be patient for one day, even I knew that the new connection would take an estimated about 2 hours.
24 hours passed, and I called the company Vodafone and explained that my new internet connection and its download varies from 20 up to 40 Mbps. She said, test your speed and hung up. Of course, I was testing the speed all day and evening. I have tried to call again and this time a lady connected me to the technical department. The gentleman promised me to send a technician as soon as possible. Something about two hours later I got an SMS that the ANTEC GmbH will send a technician in two days between 10:00 and 14:00. The next coming two days the internet was terrible. And sometimes I didn’t have any internet at all.
On a promising day the technician was here in my apartment and started to test the internet wall outlet where I have connected my internet and after a while he said, that is the problem and I have to change the wall outlet because it is old. He has done it and tested again and said. Oh, the cable they sent is wrong, but I have the standard one. He changed that one too, and measured the speed. He couldn’t find why the speed is still very slow. I’ve asked him to check the new router and his answer was;
I smiled and asked him:
He didn’t answer my question and went further into the other rooms and checked all internet wall outlets. The result was the same, “slow download”. It varied from 20 to 34 Mbps.
He suggested we should go to the basement that he could check the main cable. He did and concluded that
He said nothing and gone.
Within an hour I’ve received an email with the report of the technician which he didn’t show me what he has written and even I didn’t sign it.
I called the technical department and told them the whole situation. The lady told me: I am sorry, this case is closed and we can’t help you.
She hung up. I didn’t give up and called again to get somebody to help me. She couldn’t help. I was sure that the new router was broken and dead. I have started to search on the internet for hours to collect some information about the router.
I found out that in Germany, you can only use the FRITZ!Box 6591 Cable with article number 20002857 with all cable connections. Models with other AVM article numbers are not intended for use with all cable connections. And what I got was with the article number 20002827.
The next day I called three times to ask them to deactivate the new router and activate the old router. They did it and within 30 minutes I have got my high-speed internet.
I’ve called the company again to tell them
And I explained all details and I knew they were recording my voice.
I don’t blame the company, the technician, and all co-workers. The politicians in Germany don’t care about the digital era.
In Germany, only 26,2 percent of young people attend a school where both teachers and students have access to a WiFi network. This puts Germany absurdly behind the international average of 64,9 percent.
On average, each computer in Germany is shared between 10 people, compared with five in Denmark. 3,2 percent of schools equip all teachers with their own portable digital terminals (i.e. Laptops or tablets). Internationally, the average is 24,1 percent and in Denmark, it is as high as 91,1 percent.
Regard all those facts, I am optimistic that Germany goes digital in 2100! Cross the fingers!
Manouchehr Abrontan
October 2020
When I was flying from the USA to Germany, in the aircraft I met Mr. H. a German gentleman about 55 years old. We started to talk about everything and after some hours he told me about himself why he moved to the USA and lived there.
He told me, he was looking for a job. He was graduated in Sociology and Science and lost his job about two years ago because the company was bankrupt and fired 311 employees and he was one of them.
After nine months, sending letters and emails for a new job, finally, he received a letter from a bank and invited him for an interview. After the meeting, he believed that he should get the job because of his experiences and studies. It took some weeks and until he got a negative answer. He tried to get some information about their decisions and what was wrong with his resume and the interview, but they refused to give him any details.
Again he was without work and hardly could cover his expenses until he got a wonderful position in a company in the United States like that one in Germany.
I showed him the website of Cabinet of Germany:
He stared at the site and I could see he became upset and angry and told me that he never made any attempt to know about the background of the German cabinet.
I told him; That is favoritism! If you got somebody in the political area, you would have got the job!
I indicated to that part:
Federal Minister of the Interior, Building, and Community
Studied: 1967 Mittlere Reife (lower school leaving certificate)
1979 Obtained degree from Munich Academy of Business and Public Sector Management
Federal Minister for Economic Affairs and Energy
Studied: 1978 Abitur (higher education entrance qualification), followed by basic military service
1980 – 1985 Studied Law at Saarland University in Saarbrücken
Federal Minister for Foreign Affairs
Studied: 1987 Allgemeine Hochschulreife (general higher education entrance qualification)
1988 Ford-Werke GmbH, Saarlouis
1989 – 1996 Degree in Law at the Saarland University, first and second state examinations
He was reading and shaking his head. He told me that he never knew the background of the German Government. And I told him
He interrupted me and said
And the rest of our flight went on in silence!
Some weeks later I should go to the airport again and I took a taxi. To my surprise, the driver was a woman. I told her
I told her about Mr. H. and many others who had the same problems with the political systems.
Studied: 1990 Abitur (higher education entrance qualification), followed by a banking traineeship at Deutsche Bank
1993 Trained in hotel management at the family hotel
since 1994 Manager, Hotel Teutoburger Wald
2003 – 2008 Studied business at the University of Hagen, distance education university; obtained degree in business administration
And I have read the list of some Ministers:
Federal Minister of Finance
1978 – 1985 Studied law
since 1985 Lawyer
Federal Minister of Defense
Studied: 1982 – 1990 Studied law and politics at the Universities of Trier and Saarbrücken
Federal Minister of Food and Agriculture
Studied: 1998 State examination/Magister Artium in political sciences, theology and education
Federal Minister for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth
Studied: 1998 – 2001 Diploma in Public Administration at the Berlin School of Economics and Law
2003 – 2005 M.A. in European Administrative Management at the Berlin School of Economics and Law
Federal Minister of Health
Studied: 1999 – 2001
Training as a banker, followed by employment as a banker, WestLB-Münster
Federal Minister of Transport and Digital Infrastructure
Studied: 1998 First State examination in teaching, studied political sciences, economics and sociology at the University of Passau, obtained a master’s degree in 2001
Federal Minister for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety
Studied: 1988 – 1996 Studied German literature and political sciences in Bochum, obtained a master’s degree
1993 – 1997 Freelance advertising and PR work
She laughed ironically and said:
She dropped me at the airport, handed her number and wished me good luck!
Manouchehr Abrontan
This year’s The Nobel Prize in Literature has been “postponed” (two will be awarded in 2019) because of a sex abuse scandal in the august halls of the Swedish Academy, which hands out the award. But, many people don’t care about that, besides, 70th Frankfurter Buchmesse – International Frankfurt Book Fair – took place 10-14 October 2018.
Why gourmet? Because this year the Frankfurt Book Fair’s visitors attended the fair, 0.5 percent less than in 2017, a total of 285,024 (2017: 286,425). The fair should find a way to attract more visitors.
The Frankfurter Buchmesse is the international publishing industry’s biggest trade fair – with over 7,300 exhibitors from 102 countries, around 286,000 visitors, over 4,000 events and some 10,000 accredited journalists and bloggers in attendance.
In this video, Mr. Denis Scheck explained that the Bestseller books do not have the best literature qualities! Just be careful and “do not fall into the trap” when you are going to buy books.
And the most beautiful part was the guest of honor, “Georgia”!
LiBeraturpreis 2018: Nguyen Ngoc Tu
The LiBeraturpreis is the only German literary prize awarded exclusively to women from Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Arab world. In 2018, the award goes to the Vietnamese writer Nguyen Ngoc Tu for The Endless Field (German edition: Endlose Felder, Mitteldeutscher Verlag, translated by Günter Giesenfeld and Marianne Ngo), a collection of concise and densely told short stories full of longing.
The winners of the Global Illustration Award have just been awarded:
The winners in the individual categories at a glance:
Best International Literary Adaptation
“INTRIGO – DEATH OF AN AUTHOR”, based on the novels by Håkan Nesser, directed by Daniel Alfredson
Best International Literary Adaptation for Children or Young Adults
Romy’s Salon (NL), directed by Mischa Kamp
Best Illustrated Book on Film
“Cinemaps: An Atlas of 35 Great Movies” (Quirk Books)
In the category “Best Illustrated Book on Film”, which was awarded together with the MGIP Motovun Group of International Publishers, this year, there were also two runners-up: “Marilyn Monroe 50 sessions” (Knesebeck Verlag) and “Frankenstein – The First Two Hundred Years” (Reel Art Press).
That is life!
We encounter many ways in our daily life that intersects and we are thinking; “Which Way”!
Some ask themselves; “Which is the best way for me”?
The others believe; “God, Gods, or Goddess (s) determine my way”! Many people use and toss a coin; “Head or Tail”? There are fellows who should use maps, the real paper maps to plan their destination for daily fates, chances or fortunes. Many use a compass. And the Digital Generation uses some Apps. All of them are fine, as long as they are happy! At least, I hope they are happy and not pretending to be!
I can’t do anything about it when there are people who are satisfied with their routines, as they call it “Standard of Life”!
But I call it “Attitude of Life” and choose the way that I have never been there before, and on my way with my bike, I came across different people who were walking, jogging and biking and as usual, I greeted them! Smiling and wishing them
A Good day!
A Nice Morning!
Or just a simple “HI”! But all the reactions were not the same!
Some were very friendly and answered my greeting in a friendly way. Some of them just nodded, some smiled and then there were people who
Looked straight through me
Turned their heads
And my “Greeting” likely fell on deaf ears
Ignoring my existence!
I biked further and passed by someone who was jogging. I greeted him and he asked me to stop. I did it and he made a face and looked at me:
Do you know me?
Why did you say hello to me?
It is my attitude!
Very strange to me! It is not my standard greeting a stranger or accept his hello!
What is wrong with that?
You are a stranger! I don’t know you! That is my point!
But I greet everyone when I encounter people. It doesn’t matter who they are! I do it wherever I am and whatever I do!
I don’t want to receive any “HI” from unknown people! Clear?
Sure! But I feel, we, the human beings, are like those trees! Please look around! You see all of them, their roots are connected, knotted and tangled together! A simple “Greeting” gives us the real connection! It is a powerful blessing, a positive vibration! A simple hello could lead you to the oneness and merriment!
WHAT are you TALKING about!?
I don’t understand what you mean!
I mean, nobody is a stranger! We, the human beings, are divided by borders and politics. But our spirits have no colors. Our skins are different but our hearts and bloods are all the same!
You are really a strange man!
He got such a long face and turned his back to me and ran. I felt upset, not because I did something wrong, NO! I just wanted to share my feelings why I greet people. I was upset because he didn’t want to “IMAGINE” what I told him!
I continued to bike further along the forest and kept my spirit bright.
I came to this place and to my surprise, I saw the forest path boards with a missing direction.
Just the left side of the direction, that blank space board! Believe me, I didn’t do any filter by any photo softwares. That means I didn’t remove the text!
What to do?
Some people would complain because they can’t find “THAT” blank unwritten space direction on the map and some just ignored the existence of the direction.
What a BAD Luck!
I don’t think that it is a bad or good luck! I just follow “My Destiny”, metaphorically!
Now, here is my text!
I chose that path because I knew many people never would do it. Unknown way, would be a big risk, but I needed to be alone and think about some people who never understood my HELLO with a friendly smile. May be they interpreted it that I am a cheat, a swindler, a thief, or a stalker. Why are they not thinking that a simple greeting won’t hurt any soul? Is that really complicated to feel or understand my point of view?
The path was like a time tunnel and as soon as I started to bike through that path, it transformed into countries, cities and places where I have been.
The both sides of the way changed into buildings and streets at different times. I could see all people whom I greeted and we became friends. Just the recent memories from Hanoi – Vietnam, make the path colorful.
I have been there for two months in 2018. Every day I walked from my hotel to the Vietnam TV station. As usual, I started greeting people, the hotel porters, male and female cleaners, the shop owners, companies, securities, resellers, peddler, street traders, vendors, etc. and they responded to my simple “HI” very friendly. Sometimes they invited me for a cup of tea or coffee. And in this way I found Harry. He was not only responded to my greeting, but also brought a plastic stool and asked me to sit while he was going to make some tea. I thanked him and promised to come back after my work.
In the evening, I got back to Harry. I asked him for his delicious Döner and while eating we talked. He was an educated and knowledgeable man and always smiled with his heart. He brought me to some local pops, restaurants and let me get to know his friends. I have learned a lot from Harry!
In two months, I have eaten by Harry. I have learned many topics from him about Vietnam and its society and everyday I got the chance to know his family and neighbors. One evening, he and his family invited me for dinner and I found nothing but hospitality among them.
I listened to them carefully. I let them bring me to their worlds. I swim and climb where they want to guide me. I never judge them by their backgrounds, birthplaces, skin colors, nationalities, religions and beliefs. Through their ways, I have learned how crucial this world is. And I feel my roots are growing deeper under the ground and tied to others roots. Therefore, I have learned many languages too
Greet people!
Wish them luck!
A nice day!
A colorful Time!
A bright night!
And show them my appreciations being with me and making my life richer. In this way I have built up my own social network! The real SOCIAL one!
In the night, when I am going to sleep, I think about all those wonderful people and my friends and how rich I am! It really feels marvelous!
I wish you also
Sleep in peace and wake up in joy!
I never say goodbye! I use to say;
See you buddies!
The fact is, I look beneath the surface to appreciate the quality of life!
Manouchehr Abrontan
I am born as an observer.
When I walk around all of the streets, I should read the billboards, the names of the streets, alleys and of course the shops. I love this natural gift I got! And not only I watch them, but also I SEE them!
I don’t stare at my smart phone while I am walking. I don’t want to make any accident and I should take care of my natural blessing;
“Eyes Wide Open”!
One day
I can’t remember when it was, but I know that I was in the Netherlands, and saw a sign
Coffee To Go!
I could understand the message!
When you are going to work
You can buy your coffee
And on your way
You can drink it!
It actually means; “Take Away”, I guess!
Be careful!!!
That is NOT
To Go
That you have learned in school!
There is a week to go until the elections.
I still had another five operations to go.
I have to go to school. I got to go to school.
I was thinking!
I have no clues!
“To Go” coming from:
USA! Because of the big coffee shops, or from Europe?
For sure not from Germany
Because in German you should say: “Kaffee zum Mitnehmen”!
Neither from France.
In French: “café à importer”!
Nor from the Netherlands.
In Dutch: “koffie om mee te nemen” or “koffie meenemen”!
But from
Australia or maybe England!
Should I say Great Britain?
It is possible, that it is from Vietnam because they have very delicious coffee!
It doesn’t matter!
“Coffee To Go” is so popular that even in a village in Germany, like Oberrodenbach, with a population of 2000 has a butchery that sells coffee. And last week I was in Herborn and saw a Turkish Bar-Restaurant that offers “Cocktail To Go”. The name of the cocktail was “Safer Sex”!
Please don’t ask me about that, because I didn’t buy any “To Go”!
“To Go” is going further:
Ice Cream To Go
Sandwich To Go
Water To Go
Book To Go
Pizza To Go
Shoes “To Go”?
I got it!
It means; you are going to your work, could be, barefoot and you buy a pair of shoes. It doesn’t mean you “go or walk with shoes”!
Very clear and understandable!
And also
Then I could understand;
Shirt To Go
Pants …
Socks …
Watch …
This and Thant To Go
It is also my natural gift to ask “why”’ when I see something is not based on our intellectual needs.
Are there so many “To Go”s?
The possible answers are;
The First:
The law of “Consumerism”!
Easy way to understand it; “an increasing consumption of goods is economically desirable”!
And I do understand it in this way; “ The new way of making money! The best trick to manipulate the brain of consumers”!
Not very complicated to get the idea!
The Second:
The Law of Easy Life!
May I say, Lazy Life?
No need to wake up early in the morning and make your own coffee at home. So called “Ready To Go & Drink”!
The Third:
The Digital Life!
On one hand, you “Coffee To Go” while you use the other hand to use your smart(!!!) phone. You don’t need any eye contact, shaking hands, help the others… Etc.! In this case the “social behavior” is away! Deleted! Erased! Gone!
What is the definition of Social Behavior?
Is defined as the interaction among the individuals. Very clearly, it means, “Not Social Network On Your Gadgets!
And you have no idea what I do! Am I right?
That is what I do;
As long as the weather is warm, I woke up an hour early before I go to work, make a walk to the next coffee shop and drink my coffee there.
In Italy, I drink by Mario. In Brazil by Pedro. In the Netherlands by Bram. In Germany by Wolfgang. In France by Louis. In Surinam by Kenneth… and in Vietnam by Jenny. And when I am there, I meet my colleagues, enjoy my coffee in a friendly and peaceful atmosphere and with a lovely smile on my face I start my day!
Oh… what do I do when it is cold?
I make my coffee at home while I listen to music and enjoy my coffee and get my daily inspiration from the music!
What a Wonderful World!
Of course, there are always some people who prefer to enjoy the Social Media than rather the Social Contact! The world is big for everyone!
I don’t mind it at all!
We have many applications To Go
So called
Apps “To Go”
“To Go” Apps
Please! Don’t make any mistake here. This “To Go” has nothing to do with “Take Away”! This is just to install it on your smartphones and tablets and eventual, in your computer!
We know it already and it is nothing new!
For your curiosity, I would say;
Yes, I have one and I am very happy with that;
Lovely apps to be connected with the other side of the world!
Car “To Go” became very popular these days. The rental car! And in this way, there are
Motorbike To Go
Camel To Go
Not Yet!
There is not and airplane or helicopter “To Go” available, yet! It will come one day! Don’t worry about that!
When I want to buy something I would like to take time to feel the objects. I love to observe them in all different angles and imagine them how and where I am going to use them. I can’t use “To Go” products like
To Go!
I have seen “Mattress To Go” in Frankfurt – Germany, and I have tried to figure it out, what it should be! And theses are the possibilities;
It is possible, you could have more opportunity to imagine that “Mattress To Go”!
2 Go Shops
Shops or Goods 4 To Go
Foods & Vitamins for 2 Go
It sounds strange but, Please
Look Here >>>
Diamond “To Go”???
Does it mean, in the morning you are going to work and you buy a Diamond Ring???
You should be very RICH!
Let me think!
I got the idea after some minutes thinking!
You are going to work, or may be you have a date with your lover! Could be, you are coming back from work and want to buy a piece of Diamond. But I am sure many people can’t do that! That is only for rich guys!
I mean
You can’t buy Diamond everyday!
In Washington, D.C. There are many “To Go” Shops! And this time, it doesn’t mean you buy a “shop”. But you can buy “To Go”s products from those shops.
I can’t stand these two words anymore! I get dizzy and overload with “To Go”s!
Home To Go
Sad enough! I didn’t say I am going home! Just saw the billboard on my way;
Real Estate 2 Go
Home To Go
Swimming Pool
Mosque To Go!
I am sure you don’t believe me. I have seen many of them as TV commercials, posters and advertising board. To convince you, Go and search in Internet!
But on my way to home, I saw this:
“Ladies To Go”!
That is really
I better got to go! and “See To Go”s…
Manouchehr Abrontan
I don’t know about your countries, but in Germany normally, when I ask my friends, colleagues, neighbors; “How are you?”
They tell me;
“Oh my back is hurting”, “my heart is not okay”, “I have pain in my legs”, “my stomach is not feeling well”, “I am not sure I have Alzheimer or Dementia”…
Of course they are the elder people who complain about their health problems and I am sure they are healthy enough! They watch too much TV commercials about the medications and read much more about the illness. They are addicted to “buy” Pharmaceutical Products!
But the younger fellows answer me; “oh… everything is fine”! They are not interested in politics! So, everything should be FINE!
One day
When I asked them;
How is everything going?
I got a new answer! All of them answered me;
We are doing great!
We are the Champions!
Obviously, during the 2018 FIFA World Cup, the TV commercials were focused on cars, men’s perfumes, beer, men’s wear… and therefore nobody got the feeling of any kind of illnesses. The simple commercials manipulation!
“Champions”? I asked them!
Sure! Champions!
Have you ever heard about
FIFA World Cup?
They asked me and I told them; “sure I know, but I don’t watch any soccer/football match”. And their reactions were like; “I am not a Normal guy” and they continued to analyses how the team should play and would be on top by FIFA WC 2018. And they explained that the German National Soccer Manager, “Having a Master Plan(!)” to win again in 2018!
Even they knew I was not interested to hear anything about football/soccer, but they did not listen to me and went further to talk about the matches.
But I did not mind
because after four years, I could hear something else than usual daily illnesses conversation
Germany crash out of World Cup.
How is THAT possible!?
The former champion
And got back home! Unfortunately, I could not talk to German fellows about soccer/football anymore, because that was a
It was a short time that people were happy because their national players would keep their stars, but the master plan didn’t work and the fellows turned to their regular chats; “They feel sick! They are ill! Nothing is working well! The medication won’t help them! They should go for Wellness Cure Treatments!…
It didn’t last long!
And came the next Master Plan!
The German media made some scary reports about the Master Plan of Home Secretary about the asylum and migration policy. Everywhere you could hear and watch the title; “German Government Crisis”! The Chancellor of Germany got problems with her interior minister (the leader of Bavaria’s Christian Social Union) and
What should they do with those poor guys coming from the former colonies/poor, developing countries? In short, the content of The Master Plan was, how fast the German Government could have the opportunity to deport the asylum seekers!
This Political Master Plan
Been Compromised!
The German was not engaged with that because the 2018 FIFA WC still was running and the soccer/football fans were following the competitions. It was interesting that some German reports AMAZED by winning Belgium vs Brazil and Croatia vs Russia during the quarter – final.
Surprise… Surprise
Winning the games! It Is Unbelievable!”
I should laugh!
It means; ONLY the Big Countries should win and those small countries won’t have the rights to defeat big guys? If that is the theory of developed reporters from developing countries, I think SHOULD believe that the only winners should be the largest countries in the world like; Russia, Canada, United States, China, India…
By the way, many football/soccer players of developed countries are from small countries! Even I am not an expert and have no idea about games, but I could recognize the players!
Unfortunately, still the fellows around me feel sad because Germany lost and the small country took the second place!
I was the real winner of 2018 FIFA WC even for a short time!
I wanted to share my feeling, but something happened
One of the famous football/soccer player of Germany
Been discriminated by his background!
That is too much!
The famous player said: “I am retiring from international football with immediate effect following the “treatment I have received from the DFB.”I am German when we win but I am an immigrant when we lose”.
It seems the Master Plans didn’t work in Germany and for football/soccer fans
It worked for me that I could see the healthy side of my friends, colleagues, neighbors
during the first days
Of The Games!
Manouchehr Abrontan