Category: GLOBAL
“In a world plagued by conflicts, warfare, and the struggle against poverty, the vibrant colors of life are being extinguished. Innocent civilians and peaceful individuals fall victim to the atrocities committed by totalitarian states and oppressive regimes. This music video clip captures the essence of these struggles, serving as a powerful reminder of the destruction caused by these forces. Through a blend of evocative visuals and compelling music, it seeks to shed light on the urgent need for freedom, justice, and the restoration of humanity’s true colors.”
A film by: Manouchehr Abrontan
Camera: Hossein Sehatlou
FOR… WOMEN LIFE FREEDOM… Shervin Hajipour (Baraye)
Merry Xmas & A Peaceful 2021 and…
The Little Thing – COVID-19
The Little Thing
Global Hamlet is a place where people share their stories and ideas to be connected and united with their open minds and creative ideas.
In the beginning, no filmmaker dared to make a film about Covid. This film is made online and observed people’s life in different countries. When the Corona Pandemic hit our daily lives, everyone feared. They couldn’t cope with the situation. They were isolated and thought about that Virus, the little thing has changed their lives. Some of them found another little thing to survive the unsociable life. How could an invisible “Little Thing” affect our daily lives? How fragile are we when the little things would change our non-linear habits? Did we learn anything from Corona Time to be unified?
A film by: Manouchehr Abrontan
Music: Gilles Zimmermann ©GLOBALHAMLET 2020
We will watch the answers:
1. Part
2. Part
3. Part
4. Part
5. Part
Frankfurt Book Fair 2018
This year’s The Nobel Prize in Literature has been “postponed” (two will be awarded in 2019) because of a sex abuse scandal in the august halls of the Swedish Academy, which hands out the award. But, many people don’t care about that, besides, 70th Frankfurter Buchmesse – International Frankfurt Book Fair – took place 10-14 October 2018.
Why gourmet? Because this year the Frankfurt Book Fair’s visitors attended the fair, 0.5 percent less than in 2017, a total of 285,024 (2017: 286,425). The fair should find a way to attract more visitors.
The Frankfurter Buchmesse is the international publishing industry’s biggest trade fair – with over 7,300 exhibitors from 102 countries, around 286,000 visitors, over 4,000 events and some 10,000 accredited journalists and bloggers in attendance.
In this video, Mr. Denis Scheck explained that the Bestseller books do not have the best literature qualities! Just be careful and “do not fall into the trap” when you are going to buy books.
And the most beautiful part was the guest of honor, “Georgia”!
The awards
LiBeraturpreis 2018: Nguyen Ngoc Tu

The LiBeraturpreis is the only German literary prize awarded exclusively to women from Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Arab world. In 2018, the award goes to the Vietnamese writer Nguyen Ngoc Tu for The Endless Field (German edition: Endlose Felder, Mitteldeutscher Verlag, translated by Günter Giesenfeld and Marianne Ngo), a collection of concise and densely told short stories full of longing.
The winners of the Global Illustration Award have just been awarded:

The winners in the individual categories at a glance:
Best International Literary Adaptation
“INTRIGO – DEATH OF AN AUTHOR”, based on the novels by Håkan Nesser, directed by Daniel Alfredson
Best International Literary Adaptation for Children or Young Adults
Romy’s Salon (NL), directed by Mischa Kamp
Best Illustrated Book on Film
“Cinemaps: An Atlas of 35 Great Movies” (Quirk Books)
In the category “Best Illustrated Book on Film”, which was awarded together with the MGIP Motovun Group of International Publishers, this year, there were also two runners-up: “Marilyn Monroe 50 sessions” (Knesebeck Verlag) and “Frankenstein – The First Two Hundred Years” (Reel Art Press).
That is life!
We encounter many ways in our daily life that intersects and we are thinking; “Which Way”!
Some ask themselves; “Which is the best way for me”?
The others believe; “God, Gods, or Goddess (s) determine my way”! Many people use and toss a coin; “Head or Tail”? There are fellows who should use maps, the real paper maps to plan their destination for daily fates, chances or fortunes. Many use a compass. And the Digital Generation uses some Apps. All of them are fine, as long as they are happy! At least, I hope they are happy and not pretending to be!
I can’t do anything about it when there are people who are satisfied with their routines, as they call it “Standard of Life”!
But I call it “Attitude of Life” and choose the way that I have never been there before, and on my way with my bike, I came across different people who were walking, jogging and biking and as usual, I greeted them! Smiling and wishing them
A Good day!
A Nice Morning!
Or just a simple “HI”! But all the reactions were not the same!
Some were very friendly and answered my greeting in a friendly way. Some of them just nodded, some smiled and then there were people who
Looked straight through me
Turned their heads
And my “Greeting” likely fell on deaf ears
Ignoring my existence!
I biked further and passed by someone who was jogging. I greeted him and he asked me to stop. I did it and he made a face and looked at me:
Do you know me?
Why did you say hello to me?
It is my attitude!
Very strange to me! It is not my standard greeting a stranger or accept his hello!
What is wrong with that?
You are a stranger! I don’t know you! That is my point!
But I greet everyone when I encounter people. It doesn’t matter who they are! I do it wherever I am and whatever I do!
I don’t want to receive any “HI” from unknown people! Clear?
Sure! But I feel, we, the human beings, are like those trees! Please look around! You see all of them, their roots are connected, knotted and tangled together! A simple “Greeting” gives us the real connection! It is a powerful blessing, a positive vibration! A simple hello could lead you to the oneness and merriment!
WHAT are you TALKING about!?
I don’t understand what you mean!
I mean, nobody is a stranger! We, the human beings, are divided by borders and politics. But our spirits have no colors. Our skins are different but our hearts and bloods are all the same!
You are really a strange man!
He got such a long face and turned his back to me and ran. I felt upset, not because I did something wrong, NO! I just wanted to share my feelings why I greet people. I was upset because he didn’t want to “IMAGINE” what I told him!
I continued to bike further along the forest and kept my spirit bright.
I came to this place and to my surprise, I saw the forest path boards with a missing direction.
Just the left side of the direction, that blank space board! Believe me, I didn’t do any filter by any photo softwares. That means I didn’t remove the text!
What to do?
Some people would complain because they can’t find “THAT” blank unwritten space direction on the map and some just ignored the existence of the direction.
What a BAD Luck!
I don’t think that it is a bad or good luck! I just follow “My Destiny”, metaphorically!
Now, here is my text!
I chose that path because I knew many people never would do it. Unknown way, would be a big risk, but I needed to be alone and think about some people who never understood my HELLO with a friendly smile. May be they interpreted it that I am a cheat, a swindler, a thief, or a stalker. Why are they not thinking that a simple greeting won’t hurt any soul? Is that really complicated to feel or understand my point of view?
The path was like a time tunnel and as soon as I started to bike through that path, it transformed into countries, cities and places where I have been.
The both sides of the way changed into buildings and streets at different times. I could see all people whom I greeted and we became friends. Just the recent memories from Hanoi – Vietnam, make the path colorful.
I have been there for two months in 2018. Every day I walked from my hotel to the Vietnam TV station. As usual, I started greeting people, the hotel porters, male and female cleaners, the shop owners, companies, securities, resellers, peddler, street traders, vendors, etc. and they responded to my simple “HI” very friendly. Sometimes they invited me for a cup of tea or coffee. And in this way I found Harry. He was not only responded to my greeting, but also brought a plastic stool and asked me to sit while he was going to make some tea. I thanked him and promised to come back after my work.
In the evening, I got back to Harry. I asked him for his delicious Döner and while eating we talked. He was an educated and knowledgeable man and always smiled with his heart. He brought me to some local pops, restaurants and let me get to know his friends. I have learned a lot from Harry!
In two months, I have eaten by Harry. I have learned many topics from him about Vietnam and its society and everyday I got the chance to know his family and neighbors. One evening, he and his family invited me for dinner and I found nothing but hospitality among them.
I listened to them carefully. I let them bring me to their worlds. I swim and climb where they want to guide me. I never judge them by their backgrounds, birthplaces, skin colors, nationalities, religions and beliefs. Through their ways, I have learned how crucial this world is. And I feel my roots are growing deeper under the ground and tied to others roots. Therefore, I have learned many languages too
Greet people!
Wish them luck!
A nice day!
A colorful Time!
A bright night!
And show them my appreciations being with me and making my life richer. In this way I have built up my own social network! The real SOCIAL one!
In the night, when I am going to sleep, I think about all those wonderful people and my friends and how rich I am! It really feels marvelous!
I wish you also
Sleep in peace and wake up in joy!
I never say goodbye! I use to say;
See you buddies!
The fact is, I look beneath the surface to appreciate the quality of life!
Manouchehr Abrontan